Dec 3, 2009

Teaser Thursday

I decided to do something different today. Spice it up or what have you. So, instead of posting a teaser from my most recent novel, I'm posting a few pages from my very first novel. Feel free to laugh because, honestly, my writing was pretty bad back then. The novel was mainly about a fraternity that dabbled with the dark arts and whatnot. Enjoy : )


Fey (fellow AWer) said...

If it makes you feel any better, I don't think its bad at all : )

Miss Haley said...

hey--I did the words above my comments like this:

go to settings---->comments, scroll down and there is a box that says "Comment form message."

good luck :D


Ash. Elizabeth said...

Thanks : )

The romantic query letter and the happy-ever-after said...

I could feel the near melancholy of the gray night. Your teaser did it's job for now I want to read more.
You take care.

Kara said...

I thought this was cute- not a bad freshman effort at all!

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

Not to bad..Everyone has to start somewhere

Voidwalker said...

Not bad at all. I'm always fascinated to look back at former writing, whether my own or anothers, to see the changes in style and skill. :)