May 7, 2010

The sound of victory...

... Or, in my case, the end of the school year. The next three months will be filled with writing, beach, eating, writing, sleeping in, writing, and oh yeah writing. Seeing as I haven't post since, oh, five thousand years ago, I figured I mine as well post this for myself. More accurately, to get my writing & blogging back on track.

What's been going on since my last post? I've been studying like crazy to make sure my college scholarships will still be available come fall semester. And I've been doing writing, but to be perfectly  honest it hasn't been nearly as much as I used to. Same goes for reading. I've been a real slacker lately (tsk, tsk, tsk) and my WIP has been postponed because of it.

On a good note, less writing has given my mind more time to imagine characters and plots and chocolate scenes (you know, the ones you can see yourself writing before the plot is even fully formed). And, it even gave me a blogging idea (which I'll et to come next week.) 

So, that's a summary of Ashley's Hectic Life. Hopefully, with school over, I'll have much more free time to do the things I've been begging myself to do.


Kara said...

I'm convinced you and I are the same person. I can't WAIT to get back on track with writing this summer. OH WAIT we're in the same crit group. Must be why we're so alike ;)

Ash. Elizabeth said...

Must be! I can't wait to read the next novel or revisions of SM : )

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

summer is almost here!

Ash. Elizabeth said...

I know! Living in Florida now, summer feels like it started back in march/april.