Oct 12, 2009

Donating Your Time

Quote from a very admirable woman I know:

"You take your chances, get cancer, and then fight like hell to survive. When it comes to cancer, there's no time to give up or cry 'why me?' All you can do is try, try as hard as you can to beat it. Because, in the end, YOU are what's going to save you. No one else."
If you have the time, I strongly suggest walking for a cause.

Like Breast Cancer, which you can check out here.
Or Down Syndrome, which you can learn about here.
Maybe Ovarian Cancer. . .here.

Or whatever else you feel strongly about supporting. Maybe you're really not a walker. That's fine. Donate a little to a charity, play cards at a veteran's home, or sing at a nursing home. Whatever you decide to do, I can guarantee it will make you that much happier with yourself. After all, you're helping people in need, and there's nothing greater in the world than knowing that you've made a difference.